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I love the style of this game! The monochromatic theme with the dark symphony playing fit together really well. I liked the concept of bringing back the color in the world too. The animations of the player were fantastic too, the jumping and attacks were so fluid.

A couple of minor issues I ran into though. The spikes kinda seemed like grass so I kept accidentally jumping into them at first. Some of the hit boxes seemed tight too, I ended up just avoiding the spiders since fighting them felt awkward. The camera pan was off sometimes and I had to take a leap of faith into the unknown. I’m not sure if this was end of game, but I got back into the beginning room after getting the color back. I found a vine but it led to a balcony I couldn’t get onto. This is where I stopped playing.

These didn’t detract from the game though. I had a blast playing the game. Thanks for making it!

Thank you for playing it! There is another (unfortunately invisible) vine on the left side of the starting area, which brings you to the 2nd level. The 3rd level, which is on the balcony can only be accessed after that. Thanks for the feedback, we'll try to fix those issues once the voting for the gamejam ends!